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The Status of Australian fish stocks reports 2024 were prepared and managed by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC), with endorsement by the Australian Fisheries Management Forum—comprising the heads of the fisheries management organisations in all Australian states and the Northern Territory.

Producing the 2024 Reports was a massive undertaking for FRDC and its staff over the past eighteen months. Coordinating input, contributions and reviews from over one hundred of Australia's leading scientists is like herding fish. Not a trivial undertaking.

Dennis Payne managed the data that underpins the website, ably supported by Kyaw Kyaw Soe Hlaing, Nicole Stubing and Crispian Ashby.


Species images were provided by Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, CSIRO, and other sources as acknowledged on individual photographs.

Special thanks to William and Hannah Meppem and Joclyn McCahon and the team from Flipp for shooting some of the key species’ shots. Blair Ewart is thanked for providing his digital design skills. The CSIRO National Fish Collection is thanked for allowing use of several photographs of its specimens.

FRDC production of figures and maps
Kyaw Kyaw Soe Hlaing and Dennis Payne.

FRDC website development and data integrity checks
Kyaw Kyaw Soe Hlaing, Dennis Payne, Crispian Ashby and Nicole Stubing.

FRDC consistency and technical reviewers
Mr Anthony Roelofs, Dr Toby Piddocke and Mr Crispian Ashby.

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Contributing Jurisdictions

Preparing the Status of Australian Fish Stocks Reports is a large undertaking with many jurisdictions and agencies contributing both funds and researchers to complete the national assessments.

  • Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences;
  • Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania;
  • Department of Primary Industries, New South Wales;
  • Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia;
  • Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade, Northern Territory;
  • Victorian Fisheries Authority, Victoria;
  • Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia;
  • Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland; and
  • Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.