Moreton Bay Bug ​Thenus australiensisa, T. parindicus

Brad  Zellerb, Mervi  Kangasc and James Larcombed

Moreton Bay Bug - Thenus australiensis
Reef Bug (Thenus australiensis)

Table 1: Stock status determination for Moreton Bay Bug



Western Australia



Queensland (ECOTF)

Western Australia




Stock status







Catch, CPUE




BPMF = Broome Prawn Managed Fishery (Western Australia); CPUE = catch per unit effort; ECOTF = East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery (Queensland); EGPMF = Exmouth Gulf Prawn Managed Fishery (Western Australia); KPMF = Kimberley Prawn Managed Fishery (Western Australia); NBPMF = Nickol Bay Prawn Managed Fishery (Western Australia); NPF = Northern Prawn Fishery (Commonwealth); OPMF = Onslow Prawn Managed Fishery (Western Australia); PFTF = Pilbara Fish Trawl Fishery (Western Australia); SBPMF = Shark Bay Prawn Managed Fishery (Western Australia); TSPF = Torres Strait Prawn Fishery (Commonwealth)

Stock Structure

Reef Bug (Thenus australiensis) and Mud Bug (T. parindicus ) are known collectively as ‘Moreton Bay Bugs’. Moreton Bay Bugs are distributed along the tropical and subtropical coast of Australia from northern New South Wales to Shark Bay in Western Australia2. No studies have been carried out on the biological stock structure of Australian Moreton Bay Bugs. Given the uncertainty in biological stock structure, status is reported at the level of the management unit in Queensland and the Commonwealth, and the jurisdiction level for Western Australia. The two species have overlapping distributions, may be trawled together, are undifferentiated in the catch and are assessed together.

Stock Status

East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery (Queensland) management unit

Moreton Bay Bugs are targeted in the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery (Queensland) management unit. Although no formal stock assessment exists, the 2009 ecological risk assessment reported a low risk of the species being recruitment overfished in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP)3, where harvesting pressure is greatest; the GBRMP catch of Moreton Bay Bugs averages 90 per cent of the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery catch. An intermediate risk of the stock being recruitment overfished exists south of the GBRMP4, where about 10 per cent of the Moreton Bay Bug catch is taken. From 2009 to 2013, nominal fishing effort declined by 23 per cent in the GBRMP and 21 per cent in the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery, implying that the risk of the stock being recruitment overfished has not increased. Long-term trends indicate decreasing fishing effort, increasing catch rate in areas where Moreton Bay Bug is in high abundance, and generally stable annual catch levels5. Nominal catch rate has been increasing since 2001 and is at historically high levels5. Since 2010, retention of berried female bugs has been allowed, which has probably contributed to the higher catch rates. The above evidence indicates that the biomass of the management unit is unlikely to be recruitment overfished.

Permanent closures in the GBRMP protect significant portions of the biomass in eastern Queensland. Research has estimated that closures included 54 per cent of the estimated GBRMP biomass of Reef Bug and 45 per cent of the estimated GBRMP biomass of Mud Bug in 20056. Without evidence to the contrary, similar levels of protection from fishing mortality are assumed to have been maintained since then. In addition, a minimum legal size limit of 7.5 cm carapace width (CW), based on yield-per-recruit analysis, allows Mud Bug the opportunity to spawn before entering the fishery7. Individuals below this size are discarded from the retained catch. Research has found that post-capture survival is high among Moreton Bay Bugs8, turtle excluder devices (TEDs) lower catch rates of legal-sized Moreton Bay Bugs (greater than 7.5 cm CW),9 and 10 cm square-mesh codend bycatch reduction devices (BRDs) greatly lower incidental capture of undersized Reef Bug9 in the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery (Queensland) management unit. In 2013, about one-third of East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery vessels used square-mesh codends. The above evidence indicates that the current level of fishing pressure is unlikely to cause the management unit to become recruitment overfished.

On the basis of the evidence provided above, the management unit is classified as a sustainable stock.

Western Australia

No formal stock assessment exists for Moreton Bay Bugs in Western Australia. Moreton Bay Bugs are not specifically targeted in Western Australia, and current commercial catch levels are low—only 6 tonnes (t) was reported as landed in 2013 for all Western Australian fisheries combined. Insufficient information is available to confidently classify the status of this stock.

On the basis of the evidence provided above, Moreton Bay Bug in Western Australia is classified as an undefined stock.

Northern Prawn Fishery (Commonwealth) management unit

An assessment of byproduct species in the Gulf of Carpentaria within the Northern Prawn Fishery (Commonwealth) was conducted in 201010. This assessment estimated the annual acceptable biological catch for Moreton Bay Bugs in the fishery at 1887 t (95 per cent confidence interval: 1716 to 2057 t). Historical annual commercial catches are well below this; catch peaked at 120 t in 1998. The above evidence indicates that the biomass of the management unit is unlikely to be recruitment overfished.

Fishing mortality has been low in recent years, and ecological risk assessments11 have suggested that the risk of stock depletion of Moreton Bay Bugs is low. A trigger catch limit of 100 t is also in place. If this limit is reached, additional analysis will be conducted to ensure that there are no sustainability concerns with the harvest level. Following the 2013 catch of 109 t, resources have been redirected to the collection of size-frequency distribution data for bugs for additional analysis. Fishing mortality is also reduced among the immature biomass by regulating the size at which Moreton Bay Bugs may be retained, and among the spawning biomass through prohibiting retention of egg-bearing females. Research has found that Mud Bug egg production is maintained when the minimum size limit is 7.5 cm CW7. Given the low level of catch in recent years, the management unit is unlikely to become recruitment overfished.

On the basis of the evidence provided above, the management unit is classified as a sustainable stock.

Torres Strait Prawn Fishery (Commonwealth) management unit

No formal stock assessment exists for Moreton Bay Bugs in the Torres Strait Prawn Fishery (Commonwealth) management unit. A recent assessment of seabed and associated biodiversity in the Torres Strait12,13 estimated that, in 2007, biomass of Reef Bug was 124 t, only 19 per cent of which was located within the area exposed to prawn trawling (from the 2005 footprint of the fishery, using vessel monitoring system data). The biomass of Mud Bug was estimated to be 151 t. Again, a low percentage (18 per cent) of biomass was located in areas exposed to prawn trawling. With a decline in fishing effort in recent years, fishing mortality is also likely to have declined. Fishing mortality is also reduced among the immature biomass by regulating the size at which Moreton Bay Bugs may be retained, and among the spawning biomass through prohibiting retention of egg-bearing females. Research has found that Mud Bug egg production is maintained when the minimum size limit is 7.5 cm CW4.The above evidence indicates the biomass of the management unit is unlikely to be recruitment overfished.

The Torres Strait assessment of seabed and associated biodiversity12 indicated that Moreton Bay Bugs are unlikely to have been exposed to high levels of fishing pressure in the Torres Strait Protected Zone. In 2013, a Moreton Bay Bug catch of 22 t was reported from areas open to fishing. This is less than 10 per cent of available biomass, most of which inhabits extensive areas outside the areas subject to fishing pressure. Trawl operations in the Torres Strait Prawn Fishery (Commonwealth) cover only a small proportion—approximately 20 per cent13—of the Torres Strait Protected Zone. Lower catch of Moreton Bay Bugs in recent years is likely a result of declining effort, accompanied by reduced spatial coverage of the fishery. The above evidence indicates that the current level of fishing pressure is unlikely to cause the management unit to become recruitment overfished.

On the basis of the evidence provided above, the management unit is classified as a sustainable stock.

Table 2: Moreton Bay Bug biology14,15

Longevity and maximum size

~7 years
T. australiensis: males 106mm CW, females 124 mm CW
T. parindicus: males 87 mm CW, females 103 mm CL

Maturity (50%)

T. australiensis (female): 82 mm CW
T. parindicus (female): 75 mm CW

CW = carapace width, generally used for size limits in fan and slipper lobsters as it is a simple and rapid measure for use by commercial and recreational fishers

Figure 1: Distribution of reported commercial catch of Moreton Bay Bug in Australian waters, 2013 (calendar year)
Figure 1: Distribution of reported commercial catch of Moreton Bay Bug in Australian waters, 2013 (calendar year)

Table 3: Main features and statistics for Moreton Bay Bug fisheries in Australia, 2013 (calendar year)



Western Australia


Fishing methods


Demersal otter trawling

Fish trawling






Management methods


Limited entry

Size limits

Prohibition on retention of females with eggs

Vessel restrictions

Effort limits

Spatial closures


Size limits

Prohibition on retention of females with eggs



Active vessels

219 in ECOTF

1 in BPMF

6 in EGPMF

2 in KPMF

2 in NBPMF

1 in OPMF

3 in PFTF

15 in SBPMF

50 in NPF

22 in TSPF



504 t in ECOTF

<1 t in BPMF

<1 t in EGPMF

<1 t in KPMF

<1 t in NBPMF

<1 t in OPMF

<1 t in PFTF

3 t in SBPMF

109 t in NPF

22 t in TSPF


No catch

No catch

No catch


No catch

No catch

No catch




BPMF = Broome Prawn Managed Fishery (Western Australia); ECOTF = East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery (Queensland); EGPMF = Exmouth Gulf Prawn Managed Fishery (Western Australia); KPMF = Kimberley Prawn managed Fishery (Western Australia); NBPMF = Nickol Bay Prawn Managed Fishery (Western Australia); NPF = Northern Prawn Fishery (Commonwealth); OPMF = Onslow Prawn Managed Fishery (Western Australia); PFTF = Pilbara Fish Trawl Fishery (Western Australia); SBPMF = Shark Bay Prawn Managed Fishery (Western Australia); TSPF = Torres Strait Prawn Fishery (Commonwealth)

a The Australian Government does not manage recreational fishing in Commonwealth waters. Recreational fishing in Commonwealth waters is managed by the state or territory immediately adjacent to those waters, under its management regulations.

b The Australian Government does not manage noncommercial Indigenous fishing in Commonwealth waters, with the exception of the Torres Strait. In general, noncommercial Indigenous fishing in Commonwealth waters is managed by the state or territory immediately adjacent to those waters.

c In Queensland, under the Fisheries Act 1994 (Qld), Indigenous fishers in Queensland are able to use prescribed traditional and noncommercial fishing apparatus in waters open to fishing. Size and possession limits, and seasonal closures do not apply to Indigenous fishers. Further exemptions to fishery regulations may be applied for through permits.

Figure 2: Commercial catch of Moreton Bay Bug in Australian waters, 1988 to 2013 (calendar years)

Figure 2: Commercial catch of Moreton Bay Bug in Australian waters, 1988 to 2013 (calendar years)

Effects of fishing on the marine environment
  • The impact of trawling on habitats is managed in the Queensland and Western Australian fisheries that harvest Moreton Bay Bugs. In Queensland, the GBRMP occupies 63 per cent of the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery16, 34 per cent of which is open to trawling5, but effort is highly aggregated, occurring within only a small fraction of the open area. South of the GBRMP, the fishery operates in only 10 per cent of the area open to trawling17. In Western Australia, extensive permanent and temporary closures result in the fleet operating in only 7 per cent of the Shark Bay region, less than 30 per cent of the Exmouth Gulf, and less than 3 per cent of the north-coast region. Fishing operations are restricted to areas of sand and mud, where trawling has minimal long-term physical impact18–21. The Northern Prawn Fishery (Commonwealth) uses a system of closures (spatial and seasonal) to manage the fishery, as well as other input controls (for example, limited entry, gear restrictions). A total of 2.1 per cent of the total managed area of the fishery is subject to permanent closures, and 8.3 per cent is subject to seasonal closures22. The Torres Strait Prawn Fishery (Commonwealth) also uses spatial and temporal closures to protect small prawns, as well as important habitat areas such as breeding populations of turtles23.
  • Although the incidental capture of byproduct and bycatch species by trawling can lead to a range of indirect ecosystem effects24, studies in Queensland and Western Australia found no significant difference in biodiversity or overall distribution patterns of seabed biota between trawled and nontrawled areas6,21. An assessment of trawl-related risk in the GBRMP found that the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery (Queensland) posed no more than an intermediate risk of overfishing species assemblages exposed to trawling3. Spatial contraction and/or temporal reduction in effort in these jurisdictions (see above) are likely to have mitigated the ecosystem impacts of trawling. Similarly, the Commonwealth fisheries have undergone varying levels of ecological risk assessment. In the Northern Prawn Fishery, the ecological risk management report identifies priority species at high risk. However, no target or protected species have been assessed as being at high risk because of the fishery25. An ecological risk assessment conducted for the Torres Strait Prawn Fishery identified nine species for which trawling has had a negative impact on biomass26.
  • The use of BRDs in trawling can significantly reduce bycatch—by more than 50 per cent by weight in some fisheries27. In the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery (Queensland), the use of BRDs became mandatory in 1999, and the introduction of TEDs in 2001 largely eliminated capture of most large bycatch species, including turtles, sharks and rays28. BRDs and TEDs became mandatory in the Northern Prawn Fishery (Commonwealth) in 2001. Use of TEDs in the Northern Prawn Fishery (Commonwealth) reduced turtle bycatch from 5700 individuals per year (before 2001) to approximately 30 per year (after 2001)11. The introduction of TEDs in the Western Australian trawl fisheries in 2003 reduced turtle bycatch by at least 95 per cent29. BRDs and TEDs have been mandatory in the Shark Bay and Exmouth Gulf prawn fisheries since 2003, and in all northern Western Australian prawn fisheries since 2005. All prawn trawlers operating in Western Australia must use TEDS and BRDs, including secondary fish exclusion devices and hoppers to increase survival of returned fish. Commitment to continuous improvement in bycatch mitigation has facilitated increased use of best-practice TEDs and BRDs in the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery (Queensland) since 2008. Recent ecological risk assessments of the fishery3,4 have acknowledged the reduced impact of trawling and a general absence of high risk of overfishing bycatch species.

Environmental effects on Moreton Bay Bug
  • Ocean acidification, changes in ocean current patterns (for example, strengthening of the East Australian Current), and increased intensity of tropical storms associated with climate change may affect food availability, larval survival, dispersion and settlement patterns, abundance of Moreton Bay Bugs, and the distribution and level of catches in the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery (Queensland)30. Increased rainfall and sea level rise have been identified31 as key impacts of climate change in the region of the Northern Prawn Fishery (Commonwealth). These impacts have the potential to modify the geographical distribution of Moreton Bay Bug stocks.

a This species has previously been confused with T. orientalis, which is now regarded as not occurring in Australia. The species are very difficult to separate using morphological characteristics1.
b Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Queensland
c Department of Fisheries, Western Australia
d Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences