Gummy Shark Mustelus antarcticus

Nic Martona, Anthony Fowlerb, Harry Gorfinec, Jeremy Lyled, Rory McAuleye and Vic Peddemorsf

Gummy Shark

Table 1: Stock status determination for Gummy Shark


Commonwealth, New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia

New South Wales


Southern Australian

Eastern Australian (EGF, EPTF, OTF, OTLF)

Stock status






Biomass, catch


CIF = Corner Inlet Fishery (Victoria); EGF = Estuary General Fishery (New South Wales); EPTF = Estuary Prawn Trawl Fishery (New South Wales); ITF = Inshore Trawl Fishery (Victoria); JASDGDLF = Joint Authority Southern Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Managed Fishery (Western Australia); LACF = Lakes and Coorong Fishery (South Australia); MSF = Marine Scalefish Fishery (South Australia); OF = Ocean Fishery (Victoria); OTF = Ocean Trawl Fishery (New South Wales); OTLF = Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (New South Wales); PPBF = Port Phillip Bay Fishery (Victoria); SESSF [SGSHS] = Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (Shark Gillnet and Shark Hook Sector) (Commonwealth); SF = Scalefish Fishery (Tasmania); WCDGDLF = West Coast Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Fishery (Western Australia); WPF = Western Port Fishery (Victoria)

Stock Structure

Gummy Shark (Mustelus antarcticus) is distributed throughout the temperate waters of Australia, from at least Port Stephens in New South Wales to Geraldton in Western Australia (including Tasmania)1,2. The most recent research on biological stock structure for Gummy Shark3 suggested that there is most likely one biological stock in southern Australia (extending from the lower west coast of Western Australia to Jervis Bay in New South Wales) and a second biological stock in eastern Australia (extending from Newcastle to the Clarence River in New South Wales). There are conflicting reports of a separate species (M. walkeri) off the Queensland coast. A study based primarily on morphology and meristics concluded that a separate species existed3, but a study of mitochondrial DNA was unable to detect differences at a genetic level4. The southern Australian biological stock is considered to comprise four separate subpopulations for formal stock assessment purposes: the continental shelf of Bass Strait, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia. The first three are assessed by the Commonwealth within an integrated assessment by the Shark Resource Assessment Group5,6. The fourth is assessed separately by Western Australia7. Reporting of status is undertaken at the biological stock level. Status determination for the southern Australian biological stock considers information compiled in both the Commonwealth and Western Australian assessments.

Stock Status

Southern Australian biological stock

There is a close relationship between the number of pups and both the number and length of females5 and so the Commonwealth assessment uses pup production as an indicator of biomass. The most recent assessment6 treats Bass Strait, South Australia and Tasmania as separate subpopulations, with no movement of animals between these regions and no density-dependent effects of one population on another. Gillnet closures off South Australia have been progressively implemented to reduce interactions with marine mammals (particularly Australian Sea Lions and dolphins), starting with voluntary closures in 2009–10, followed by mandatory closures in 2010–118. These closures have reduced catch and catch per unit effort off South Australia. As a result of the large changes in operating conditions, the South Australian catch-per-unit-effort data after 2010 was considered to be a poor indicator and was not included in the model. The South Australian closures may have also reduced the catch per unit effort off Victoria, as inexperienced operators moved from South Australia to Victoria6. However, as these impacts were considered minor, catch and catch-per-unit-effort data up to 2012 from Victoria (and Tasmania) were retained in the model.

The base-case assessment estimated pup production to be above 48 per cent of the unfished level of pup production (1927) for all three Gummy Shark populations. Some model sensitivities that explored density dependence estimated pup production to be as low as 31 per cent (for the Bass Strait population), which is below the target reference point for the Commonwealth Harvest Strategy Policy, but above the limit reference point. These results indicate that the three populations examined (Bass Strait, South Australia and Tasmania) are not recruitment overfished9.

The Shark Resource Assessment Group’s recommended biological catch for the three subpopulations combined was 1836 tonnes (t) for the 2013–14 season 10. Total combined commercial catch for the three subpopulations in 2013 was 1661 t. This level of fishing mortality is not expected to cause this part of the biological stock to become recruitment overfished9.

The Western Australian component of the stock was assessed using an age-structured model developed in the mid-1990s to estimate total and breeding stock biomass11. Since then, catches and catch per unit effort have been monitored in reference to those biomass estimates. A new assessment model incorporating movement rates within Western Australian waters is due to be completed by 2015. The most recent assessment7 concluded that reductions in demersal gillnet fishing effort since biomass was estimated to be 42.7 per cent of the unfished (1975) level, in 1997–98, should have ensured that biomass has remained above this level. Therefore, this part of the biological stock is not considered to be recruitment overfished.

These conclusions are supported by an increasing trend in standardised catch per unit effort between the mid-1990s and 2005–06. This is thought to be the result of reductions in demersal gillnet fishing effort in Western Australia from 1992 onwards, leading to increases in breeding stock biomass. A subsequent increase in catch per unit effort to unprecedented levels peaked in 2007–08 and was followed by a rapid decline to 2011–12 (the most recent year of available data). However, the catch per unit effort in 2011–12 was still at historically high levels, and this issue will be assessed through updated modelling for this part of the biological stock during the next 12 months. Despite the recent unusual spike and subsequent decline in catch per unit effort, current levels of fishing mortality are considered unlikely to cause this part of the biological stock to become recruitment overfished7 .

On the basis of the evidence provided above, the entire biological stock is classified as a sustainable stock.

Eastern Australian biological stock

Available information indicates that there is little catch of Gummy Shark (less than 50 t per year) from the eastern Australian biological stock 12. Hence, insufficient information is available to confidently classify the status of this stock.

On the basis of the evidence provided above, the biological stock is classified as an undefined stock.

Table 2: Gummy Shark biology6,9–11

Longevity and maximum size

16 years; 1850 mm TL (25 kg total body mass)

Maturity (50%)

Females: 1105–1253 mm TL
Males: 950–1133 mm TL

TL = total length

Figure 1: Distribution of reported commercial catch of Gummy Shark in Australian waters, 2013 (calendar year)
Figure 1: Distribution of reported commercial catch of Gummy Shark in Australian waters, 2013 (calendar year)

Table 3: Main features and statistics for Gummy Shark fisheries in Australia, 2013 (calendar year)



New South Walesb



South Australia

Western Australia

Fishing methods


Demersal gillnet

Demersal longline


Mechanised hand line


Hand line

Fish/prawn trawl

Haul seine


Rod and line

Demersal longline






Management methods


Limited entry

Gear restrictions

Spatial closures

Total allowable catch

Individual transferable quota

Effort limits (individual transferable effort)

Processing restrictions

Trip limits

Size limits


Bag limits

Size limits

Spatial closures

Indigenousd,e, f, g

Bag limits

Size limits

Active vessels



3 in EGF

1 in EPTF

58 in OTF

42 in OTLF

18 in CIF

8 in ITF

28 in OF

28 in PPBF

1 in WPF

57 in SF

6 in LACF

160 in MSF





1506 t in SESSF (SGSHS)

0.2 t in EGF

<0.01 t in EPTF

12.1 t in OTF

19.6 t in OTLF

9.8 t in CIF

0.4 t in ITF

2.4 t in OF

3.9 t in PPBF

<0.2 t in WPF

2.1 t in SF

0.7 t in LACF

103.7 t in MSF

415.7 t in JASDGDLF

0.4 t in WCDGDLF





18.7 t16

~ 3 t caught from boats is retained17

Shore-based catches are unknown






Unknown but likely to be negligible




CIF = Corner Inlet Fishery (Victoria); EGF = Estuary General Fishery (New South Wales); EPTF = Estuary Prawn Trawl Fishery (New South Wales); ITF = Inshore Trawl Fishery (Victoria); JASDGDLF = Joint Authority Southern Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Managed Fishery (Western Australia); LACF = Lakes and Coorong Fishery (South Australia); MSF = Marine Scalefish Fishery (South Australia); OF = Ocean Fishery (Victoria); OTF = Ocean Trawl Fishery (New South Wales); OTLF = Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (New South Wales); PPBF = Port Phillip Bay Fishery (Victoria); SESSF (SGSHS) = Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (Shark Gillnet and Shark Hook Sector) (Commonwealth); SF = Scalefish Fishery (Tasmania); WCDGDLF = West Coast Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Fishery (Western Australia); WPF = Western Port Fishery (Victoria)

a Data provided for the Commonwealth align with the Commonwealth SESSF 2013–14 fishing season (1 May 2013 – 30 April 2014).

b Data provided for New South Wales align with the 2013–14 financial year.

c The Australian Government does not manage recreational fishing in Commonwealth waters. Recreational fishing in Commonwealth waters is managed by the state or territory immediately adjacent to those waters, under its management regulations.

d The Australian Government does not manage noncommercial Indigenous fishing in Commonwealth waters, with the exception of the Torres Strait. In general, noncommercial Indigenous fishing in Commonwealth waters is managed by the state or territory immediately adjacent to those waters.

e In Victoria, regulations for managing recreational fishing are also applied to fishing activities by Indigenous people. Recognised Traditional Owners (groups that hold native title or have agreements under the Victorian Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010) are exempt (subject to conditions) from the requirement to hold a recreational fishing licence, and can apply for permits under the Fisheries Act 1995 that authorise customary fishing (e.g. different catch and size limits, or equipment). The Indigenous category in Table 3 refers to customary fishing undertaken by recognised Traditional Owners. In 2012–13, there were no applications for customary fishing permits to access Gummy Shark.

f The Aboriginal Fishing Interim Compliance Policy allows an Indigenous fisher in New South Wales to take in excess of a recreational bag limit in certain circumstances—for example, if they are doing so to provide fish to other community members who cannot harvest themselves.

g The Aboriginal cultural fishing authority is the authority that Indigenous persons can apply to to take catches outside the recreational limits under the New South Wales Fisheries Management Act 1994, section 37(1)(c1) (Aboriginal cultural fishing authority).

Figure 2: Commercial catch of Gummy Shark in Australian waters, 2000 to 2013 (calendar years)
Figure 2: Commercial catch of Gummy Shark in Australian waters, 2000 to 2013 (calendar years)

Effects of fishing on the marine environment
  • Interactions with marine mammals (Australian Sea Lions, Australian Fur Seals, New Zealand Fur Seals and dolphins) in some gillnet fisheries continue to be an issue. Mitigation actions that have been implemented include spatial closures, increased monitoring and implementation of the Australian Sea Lion Management Strategy18 and Dolphin Strategy19.

  • Dolphin interactions in the Commonwealth gillnet sector of the SESSF Gillnet, Hook and Trap Sector have recently been identified as an issue, based on increased monitoring associated with managing interactions with Australian Sea Lions20. The Australian Fisheries Management Authority has closed areas where most interactions occur and increased observer coverage to 100 per cent in adjacent areas. These management measures were revised through the Dolphin Strategy for the 2014–15 fishing season20.

  • Offal management strategies, introduced in April 2011, include requirements for gillnet operators to remove any biological materials from nets before they are set. This has been effective in reducing seabird interactions in other fisheries19.

  • The use of auto-longlines in the SESSF Gillnet Hook and Trap Sector has raised concerns about the potential for interactions with seabirds, including albatrosses and shearwaters21. New measures have been implemented to assist industry to meet the Seabird Threat Abatement Plan 22 and Performance Criteria23.

  • Demersal gillnets are known to interact with a number of threatened and protected species, including marine mammals and seabirds, in areas of Western Australia where they are used to catch Gummy Shark. However, such interactions occur at a very low frequency and have been assessed as posing low to negligible risks to these populations7.

  • Recent analysis of potential changes in ecosystem structure of finfish in the South and West Coast Bioregions24 of Western Australia found no evidence of any systematic change in species diversity or richness, or trophic index, indicating that the Western Australian fisheries are not having a material impact on the food chain or trophic structure in these regions.

  • The demersal gillnets used to catch Gummy Shark in Western Australia are deployed infrequently, over a small proportion of the target fisheries’ operational area. Under normal circumstances, the physical impact of the gear on the benthic habitat is minimal7.

Environmental effects on Gummy Shark
  • Sea level rise and changes in sea temperature associated with climate change may negatively affect Gummy Shark stocks because the habitats that Gummy Shark use as nursery and feeding grounds are potentially sensitive to such effects25.

a Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences
b South Australian Research and Development Institute
c Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Victoria
d Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania
e Department of Fisheries, Western Australia
f Department of Primary Industries, New South Wales